Rediscovering Joy in Our Relationship with Money
Last summer, I stood in my garden marveling at my tomato plants. From just a handful of seedlings planted in spring, I was now surrounded by vines heavy with fruit – far more than I could possibly consume alone. As I gathered tomatoes for dinner, I found myself reflecting on a profound truth: abundance is the natural state of our world.
2023 3rd Quarter Economic Update
Economic Growth (GDP): The U.S. economy continues to defy restrictive monetary policy. Real GDP growth surged to 4.9% (quarter over quarter) in the third quarter 2023. Personal consumption (which grew 4%) is a signal that the uptrend in GDP growth will continue.
7 Rules of Power: What We’re Reading
If you want to "change lives, change organizations, change the world," the Stanford business school's motto, you need power.
Digging in the Dirt, Digging Into Decision Making: Thoughts From Red Sunflower Farm
One of my favorite ways to spend a quiet morning is in my front garden. With my hands deep in the soil, I listen to the birds and feel the breeze — it connects me back to what’s really important: my inner-self and the greater spirit of life.
Set Your Business Up for Success in 2024 With These 3 Action Items
The transition from one year to the next requires more than just turning the page of your calendar — it's an invitation for retrospection, recalibration, and envisioning the future.
Macro View of Economic Environment
2023 has witnessed a dizzying array of consensus macroeconomic views, from no landing to soft landing to a financial banking crisis and back again. The fundamental backdrop we see for the economy is that inflation, while making some progress, continues to run well above target and the labor market remains overheated.
Introducing a new way of working! We’d like you to meet Karbon
The MACKEY team has been hard at work implementing a new project management system, Karbon. We chose Karbon over any other system because it is built with client interaction and communication in mind.
Coaching A to Z: What We’re Reading
In this incredibly captivating book, leading communication expert Haesun Moon offers a set of remarkably ordinary words or phrases — one for every letter of the alphabet — to help you hold extraordinary conversations with yourself and others. Based on her extensive research at the University of Toronto, Moon invites you to step into the transformative spaces of purpose, possibilities, and progress — moving you from conversation mystery to mastery, one story at a time.
Trees as Teachers: On Staying Rooted, Even in the Wind: Thoughts From Red Sunflower Farm
Have you ever stopped to look at a tree on a windy day? When you do, you can’t help but notice how these worldly giants sway and bend with the wind. If the tree is well rooted, a windstorm is just a passing moment. Maybe it loses a few branches, but the trunk and bulk of the tree stand tall. But if the tree has failed to establish a solid root system, a windstorm may be the death of it.
Ready To Sell Your Business? 3 Musts for Business Owners Before Going to Market
Many of my fellow Baby Boomer business owners are eager to retire, but most of us start planning to sell far too late in the game. Ideally, you want to start preparing for your exit five to seven years before you’re ready to exit. Why? Because attracting the best buyers means putting your best foot forward.
The 6 Types of Working Genius: What We’re Reading
Wonder, invention, discernment, galvanizing, enablement, tenacity. By classifying skills, understanding how gifts compliment one another, and building teams with these categories and strengths in mind, leaders can transform organizations.
To Look Forward, Look Back: Thoughts From Red Sunflower Farm
We grow a vast array of produce at Red Sunflower Farm, but I’m especially proud of our garlic. The cloves are enormous — and that’s not the result of dumb luck. It’s a direct and calculated result of careful planning and reliance on best practices in farming.