Introducing a new way of working! We’d like you to meet Karbon

Hello wonderful clients!


The MACKEY team has been hard at work implementing a new project management system, Karbon. We chose Karbon over any other system because it is built with client interaction and communication in mind.


Two features of this system that will benefit both you as our client and us as your service team are summarized below.


Email & attachment capture.

Karbon will automatically pin your emails to any of our employees to your file within the system as well as save any attachments to a document folder within your file. This means that once you send something, it is automatically organized for us to do the best work possible…. Just think about how awesome tax return documentation collection will become!


Client requests.

Client request emails & checklists are integrated right into the workflows meaning we can send you outstanding to-do’s from coaching meetings, requests for documentation, and notes from meetings with a click of a button. You will be able to download, comment and upload with ease. And the best part….. no need for ANOTHER login! The system works with magiclinks authenticated by your email instantly.

Our objectives of collaborating with you in this way are to help you know exactly what you need to provide, and automatically remind you if there is any outstanding information we are waiting on. It will make our communication together smoother, and enable our team to serve you more efficiently.


You can watch a quick overview of Karbon’s Client Request Feature/Portal here.


If you have any further questions, please let us know by emailing Elizabeth Siby or Sarah Grace Mohr.


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