Get Untamed: What We’re Reading
Readers of Untamed have written me to share so many of their imaginings for truer, more beautiful lives. I marvel at how wildly different they all are. It’s proof that our lives were never meant to be cookie-cutter, culturally constructed carbon copies of some ideal. There is no one way to live, love, raise children, arrange a family, run a school, a community, a nation. The norms were created by somebody, and each of us is somebody. We can make our own normal. We can throw out all the rules and write our own.
Do Less: What We’re Reading
This is a book for working women and mothers who are ready to release the culturally inherited belief that their worth is equal to their productivity, and instead create a personal and professional life that's based on presence, meaning, and joy.
What Happened to You?: What We’re Reading
The book covers scientific and emotional insights into our behavior and the patterns we build in response to trauma. By better understanding trauma, we can transform how trauma influences our lives, our knowledge of others, and our interactions with those around us.