Surrounded by Awesome Women: What We're Reading

What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD and Oprah Winfrey  

Co-authored by Dr. Bruce Perry, a renowned brain and trauma expert, Oprah Winfrey’s latest is a deep dive into the role that personal trauma plays in our lives. 

The book covers scientific and emotional insights into our behavior and the patterns we build in response to trauma. By better understanding trauma, we can transform how trauma influences our lives, our knowledge of others, and our interactions with those around us. 

What Happened to You? is also a deeply personal book for Oprah, as she details her own experiences of trauma and abuse as a child. She writes, “Dr. Bruce Perry opened [my eyes] to the fact that although I experienced abuse and trauma as a child, my brain found ways to adapt. This is where hope lives for all of us—in the unique adaptability of our miraculous brains.” 

Mackey’s Take: 

We all have some trauma. Trauma locks us into patterns. When we understand that someone is experiencing trauma, we’re better positioned to help them. We’re tuned in and, therefore, better able to interact effectively with others.   

Over the course of my career, I’ve come to realize that for some people, there’s a lot of trauma connected to money. So in some ways, the work that we do isn’t just about financial coaching but is also about healing. We help people form healthy relationships with money—sometimes for the very first time.    


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