Cash Flow, Covid-19 Adam Reynolds Cash Flow, Covid-19 Adam Reynolds

Should I Take Advantage of the Payroll Tax Deferral Executive Order?

On August 8, 2020 President Trump put into action a payroll tax relief for employees with taxable wages that are less than $4,000 during a bi-weekly pay period through an executive order. Employers are able to defer withholding, deposit and payment of the Social Security taxes on those wages during the period of September 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. This is not an exemption of the tax, but strictly a deferment.

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Cash Flow The MACKEY Team Cash Flow The MACKEY Team

Create Efficiency to Create More Time

There are things that we must do in life to get ahead personally and professionally.  Not all things are fun and easy.  We just need to put on our big girl/boy pants and get them done.  Maybe we should not do them with a lazy attitude, but we can make sure that we are doing them in the most efficient manner.  Here are 5 simple changes to make that will help you get things completed more efficiently.

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