When Your Profession Comes Calling

During my career, I have been blessed to serve my profession in many capacities, local committee chair, national financial literacy board member, public relations spoke person and active member. A few months ago, I was asked to serve in a new way. To develop a series of podcasts that revealed how our sister company, The Prosperity People, conducts its’ financial and life planning process. To dissect it into manageable learning chunks so others could learn, and use.

I was flattered to be asked. But did I want to share our method? Our process, Prosper for Individuals and Couple™, took me years to create. Years of study. Seminars, workshops, combining things I learned in my enneagram training, listening training, at New Thought Unity Center, and in my years of study as a CPA, PFS and RIA.

Years of testing. Years of sitting one on one with clients. Witnessing their innermost obstacles, deeply listening to their worries and fears. Trying one element, then another. Until it clicked. Then clicked again. Then slowly it became a real process. A repeatable process. One that supports clients in exercising their most powerful tool, choice, to create their most prosperous lives.

Traditional thought is you never share your business methods. It’s proprietary. It is what makes The Prosperity People unique and different. If you did share, you’d never give it away.

But I am not a traditional thinker. If I were, Prosper would have never been created in the first place. Perhaps this opportunity is to test of one of my most fundamental beliefs, that the universe is a place of abundance. Not just for some, but for all. For in abundance, there is no fear in giving.

The tipping point came for me when I reflected on my intention. Why had I worked so hard on this process in the first place? My intention is to transform an individual’s relationship with money from fear to joy.

More than I am committed to maximizing profit, owning a marketplace, or being an exclusive this or that, I am committed to helping people. My drive, my passion has always been to see the look on a client's face when the angst of a financial decision or a financial conflict is replaced with peace of mind. It is at that moment that I know my work matters.

The world isn’t an abundant place for everyone, not yet. Fear is rampant, for those who have money and for those who struggle to hold onto it. So of course, I will share.

Click here for the link to episode one. Please listen and provide your feedback, via the feedback link on the podcast or to me at mackey@mackeyadvisors.com. And please share with those in your community that might find this recording of value.


P.S. I will share the links to the remaining 5 episodes as they are posted.


Is Financial Planning a Team Sport


The New Approach to Retirement Planning: part 3 {PFP Section}