Sarah Grace becomes President of Impact 100


 It is with a huge congratulations that we announce our Chief Operating Officer Sarah Grace Mohr is going to be the President of Impact 100 starting in 2020. This organization has been a passion project for Sarah for quite some time. It is easy to understand her passion once you know all of the incredible work they provide to the community. Impact 100 concentrates on empowering women to be philanthropic decision makers. Showcasing that there is nothing stronger than a woman realizing their own power is at the core of Impact 100's mission.Sarah Grace recently did an interview about her new seat at the table. To learn more about Impact 100, please watch this short video and visit their website by clicking here.


Who are you?

I have 4 big loves in my life at the moment that truly define who I am. 

First & foremost is my family. I’ve been married to my wife, Sloane, for 7 years and we have two fantastic kids, Etta & Arlin. Life at home is chaotic but lovely. Second, I am the COO of my family business. My mother started the business a little less than a year before I was born so it’s been a part of me forever. I swore up & down that I would never work in the business, but it feeds me in a way nothing else quite does. Third, I am deeply devoted to my adopted hometown of Bellevue, KY. On any given weekend you can find my family at the Bellevue Beach Park, a community potluck, or playing in Polka Dot alley with friends. Lastly, I am the Signature Events Chair & President Elect for Impact 100. I try to live a very intentional life filled with experiences for growth & development and Impact 100 is a place where I am continually challenged and wholly supported. It is so special and I feel honored to be a part of it.
What excites you about being an Impact 100 Member?

The members. Becoming a part of this community has transformed my life. The women who are called to be a part of this organization are diverse in many ways, but we are all here for a unifying reason, to transform and lift up our community. We move mountains on a daily basis. To do what we do with our grant dollars with no paid staff and no guaranteed operating funds every year is astounding. It is proof every day that the collective is powerful and transformative. Every member I have met has blown me away with their passion and drive. Again, I am so grateful to be a part of this community of women!

Could you provide a brief description of your favorite Impact 100 moment, if you have one?I have many, but the one that was the most powerful for me personally happened in 2018. I had my son in June of 2018, and the Annual Awards Celebration (AAC) was going to be held my first week back from maternity leave. Being a second time mom, I thought I could do both. I thought I could survive the 4th trimester AND plan & execute the AAC. And then everything fell apart. Both my son & I struggled with health problems (and sleep) for those first few months. I could barely get myself out of bed, let alone to a grant finalist walk through or catering tasting. Without asking, my fellow board members picked up my slack, and never made me feel anything but loved. Even though they were all running a mile a minute with their families, and jobs and own Impact duties they helped me pull that thing off. I’ve never in my life felt more taken care of, and it was a fantastic evening.


She's not stopping any time soon


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