On the Importance of Feeling Heard: Thoughts From Red Sunflower Farm

Curious Questions from Observing the Everyday    

On the Importance of Feeling Heard  

This summer, on a hike in New Hope, PA, I stumbled upon a great blue heron. Wading in the waters, he approached two turtles.   

I found myself imagining what they might say to one another.   

Perhaps, “Loving this sunshine!”   

Or, “Where are all the tasty fish?” 

I laughed as I envisioned the crane asking the turtle, “Want to dance?”   

Of course, these are silly hypotheticals, but they point to a broader topic worth exploring about the challenges of communication. Most of us have experienced times in our lives where we feel unheard, where our message is misconstrued, or worse — we feel our ideas and contributions are not valued.   

It may be an odd idea to imagine the conversation that could occur between a crane and a turtle, but think of the possibilities for both if they actually did communicate with each other! Imagine the exchange of ideas that would occur. The turtle could learn about his world through a new lens, and vice versa. Perhaps the crane would learn of new fishing spots. Maybe the turtle would find prime real estate for basking in the sun. When minds come together, new ideas form.   

Of course, this isn’t actually possible for the crane and the turtle, but it is for us.   

As business leaders, we’re in unique positions of power. That power can prohibit others from speaking up or it can empower. So, which will it be?   


I’ll leave you with these curious questions:  

Am I making space for my team to feel heard? 

How can I create an environment that gives everyone a voice?  

What might be possible when we break down silos and communicate across teams and departments?  



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