Currant Leaves & Other Joyful Things

This morning, before I started my workday, I walked around my small farm and picked currant leaves.  A few days earlier, as I was picking berries, I noticed how good the air smelled. Last night I searched, “are currant leaves edible”?  Turns out they are! The author suggested they make a great tea. So today, I came in from my walk with 7 currant leaves and turned on the teapot. I added a bit of stevia and poured hot water over the leaves.  20 minutes later I was enjoying a delicious cup of tea. 

Money & Time.

When thinking about your business if you’re like most of us, your primary thoughts are about the money of your business. Things like sales, profit, margin.  All good things. All things that need your attention. Because as a business owner, the business funds everything in your life - home, car, family trips, health insurance, etc. everything.

I love money. I am not talking about greed, where you use money to hurt others. I am talking about the joy of having enough money to live my life the way I choose.

I also love my life.  Life is a series of moments in time.  Unlike money, where I can make more, I can’t make more time.  Limited things are precious and deserve to be used wisely. Wise for me is making time choices that bring me joy.

Most mornings in the summer I spend a few minutes walking about my property.  For no particular reason. It just brings me joy to explore the flowers, admire the trees, and listen to the birds.  I often make an herbal tea out of something I pick along the way. Apple mint, catnip, spearmint, bergamot, red clover. And now, currant leaves.

This isn’t mission-critical. It isn’t on my to-do list. It simply brings me joy. It helps me begin my day in a space of joy.

It is tempting to bow to the mind chatter that fills my head as soon as I awake. To make my first task, my to-do list.  But I did not go into business to be a slave to it. I started my business to serve my passion for helping business owners, while at the same time giving myself the gift of creating the life of my dreams.  Dreams of joy and morning strolls.

Take a few minutes right now to think about how you are spending your time. Are there one or two simple ways to add more joy to your life with new choices? Write them down. Now make it real. Why not make one new choice with your time today?


The Mackey Money Minute - 3 Rs to Recovery - Revenue Collaboration


The Mackey Money Minute - 3 Rs to Recovery - Revenue Bundling