Cash Flow Tools

If you are like many of the business owners that we work with, you are scrounging together how to maintain as much business as possible during these tough economic times and trying to keep up on all of the relief loans and programs all at once. We are overloaded with new information that comes out everyday on these programs and it can seem overwhelming. This is where we come in. Our team has been dedicated to staying on top of the ever-changing environment and programs that have come out over the past few weeks. For a one-time cost, we are helping small businesses apply for both the Disaster Loan as well as the Paycheck Protection Program. We also assist you in maintaining the eligibility and forgiveness requirements of each loan, so that you are receiving the maximum benefit that you can. This way, you have one less thing to worry about and can continue to focus on your business while we get you the money in your pocket.

Cash flow is the most important thing for any small business. This is why we have created two tools to help you manage it closely, without having to be too bogged down in the data.

Cash Headroom Template

The cash headroom tool is a great tool to use for monitoring your cash flow in normal conditions or when cash is not extremely tight. This tool helps you calculate your short-term cash by adding your cash, accounts receivable and available line of credit, while subtracting your accounts payable and credit cards. This nets to a cash headroom (deficit) depending on current cash conditions. This tool will map this out graphically so you can clearly see your cash flow trends over time. We recommend that you set a goal line and a warning line so you can quickly gauge your current cash position compared to where you would like it to be and compared to tight cash flow levels.

Cash Flow Projection Template

The cash flow projection tool is a great tool to use for monitoring your cash flow in times when your cash is stretched or extremely tight. This tool helps you take a deep dive into all of the aspects of your cash flow: accounts receivable, accounts payable, operating expenses, payroll and distributions. Once you have your baseline numbers entered, this tool will calculate how many more weeks you have until you run out of cash flow. You can then analyze and determine what expenses will need to cut in order to sustain positive cash flow.


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